Dental Technology


As a part of your cleaning and prevention plan at Congers Dental Arts, we take digital X-rays of your teeth. Using the latest in digital X-ray technology, our dentist can detect and diagnose any potential oral problems faster than ever before. Digital X-rays are much safer than their traditional counterparts, emitting up to 90% less radiation.


At our office, we have the ability to take not only standard digital X-rays, but also panoramic digital X-rays. Panoramic digital X-rays give us accurate, high-definition pictures of your entire mouth, so we are able to plan out your treatment. For more information on digital X-rays, panoramic X-rays, or our dental technology, please contact our office.



For a comfortable, pain-free visit, our dentist may use a special instrument and a technique called air abrasion to prepare your tooth for dental work. Air abrasion is an effective technique because it:


  • Generates no sound, heat, or pressure
  • Eliminates the need for anesthesia
  • Leaves more healthy tooth untouched
  • Is fast and simple


Air abrasion is perfect those who suffer from dental anxiety because it eliminates the main cause of dental fear: the dental drill. Please feel free to contact Congers Dental Arts soon to learn more about drill-less abrasion and pain-free dentistry.



Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is a form of sedation dentistry that we offer at Congers Dental Arts. Nitrous oxide is a safe and convenient option for those who have dental anxieties. When under nitrous oxide, you will be awake and able to respond, but will probably not remember the experience afterwards.


To learn more about nitrous oxide or sedation dentistry, we invite you to give our office a call. We’ll be happy to let you know how we can help make every dental visit safe, comfortable, and convenient for you.



We aim to make every patient who walks through our door feel as comfortable as possible. Those with dental anxieties deserve high-quality dental care just as much as anyone else, so we do our best to make sure that they remain comfortable during their visit. To help accomplish this, we utilize a machine called the Vibrajet to provide pain-free injections.


The Vibrajet gently vibrates as it is injected in order to alleviate any pain. Now, there is no need to fear the dentist! We invite you to call Congers Dental Arts today to learn more about all the measures we take to ensure that your visit is comfortable and pain-free. We look forward to hearing from you!